Want an Entertaining Expert Speaker to Present to your Seniors group about Technology?



Member for Fairfax

“Colin Dunkerley possesses that unique ability to simplify the complex and his gift is communicating tech-talk in plain English. I’ve seen him in action and he’s first class. Not only does he present well, but he goes the extra mile with ensuring his audience receives “how to” tips through easy-to-understand videos. I was delighted to have Colin present as a guest lecturer at my 2019 Seniors Forum on the Sunshine Coast and I can vouch for the quality of delivery. His aptly coined nickname “The iPad Man” suits him well.”

The iPad Man's Most Popular Presentations

All presentations run for approx. 45 minutes. It is recommended to allow at least 15 minutes after the presentation for questions and answers.


There is so much mis-information in the marketplace that it is like the boy who cried wolf. There are endless warnings and so many contradictory suggestions that seniors are struggling to set up their devices or accounts in the most secure or private way. The iPad Man will educate audiences about the best settings they can use for their devices and apps.


Unfortunately most people (let alone seniors) don’t understand the difference between junk mail in the letterbox and junk mail in the email inbox and the strategies that are being using to try and deal with junk email often end up having the opposite effect, increasing the volume of junk email received. In this presentation you will learn the best strategies to minimize your risk for falling for one of these scams.

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This 45 minute presentation is not just for iPad users but any tablet or smart phone owner. Colin will pull back the curtain on the single biggest change we will all see in technology for the rest of our lives. Colin will show you how you can embrace this change right now, making your devices easier to use, no matter what your age. This is a presentation you do not want to miss.


Ask anyone about passwords and you hear a groan. There is no perfect solution but there are definitely better strategies than others. In this presentation Colin will demonstrate how to solve the problems of passwords by using the built in tools in our devices to help seniors to securely store passwords and fill them in without the need for a password book.

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About The iPad Man

Colin Dunkerley, better know as "The iPad Man" has been helping over 50's understand what can be done with this brand new technology since 2012.

What started as a favour for a friend has become an award winning business helping seniors to conquer their fear and do more with their devices.

Colin is a highly sought after and very well reviewed public speaker primarily focusing on helping those who did not grow up with technology.

He pulls back the curtain to a new world of possibility using language and terminology that seniors can understand.

Have all your questions answered to help you increase your knowledge and feel more confident when using your Apple devices. Remember the only silly question is the one you don't ask!



Probus Club of Buderim Mountain

"I would like two put on record the thanks of the Probus Club of Buderim Mountain in delivering your presentation “The Future is Voice” to our members. Our members were very happy to have so many questions answered and many thought provoking subjects were noted. The overall feedback from members is that Colin is the best speaker we have ever had at our Probus Club."


Cool Connection Women’s Group

"I would like to sincerely thank you for visiting us and delivering your presentation of “The Future is Voice”. Judging by the feedback I have received, the ladies thoroughly enjoyed the session and learnt not only many practical ways to use their voice but also learnt it was not necessary for them to hold so much fear with regards to digital technology, myself included. You certainly spoke in a clear and easy to understand manner for us over 50’s and that is always very much appreciated."